Susan Craig is a Senior Associate with Schellman. Susan previously worked at a cybersecurity consulting firm specializing in privacy and security compliance.Working in the the healthcare and not-for-profit human services sectors, Susan's compliance and HIPAA privacy and security experience spans over 15 years,specializing in New York State regulations, mental health clinics, and physician practices. She has served in Compliance Officer and Privacy Officer roles for over7 years. She has extensive experience developing, operationalizing, and assessing compliance programs, with a focus on integrating compliance into anorganization's culture. Skilled in HIPAA Privacy investigations, Breach Risk Assessments, and evaluating HIPAA compliance implementation. Proven success inaudit design, training, policy & procedure development, BAAs and vendor risk management, and release of information process improvement; Experiencepartnering with IT Security, Operations, and Physician Leadership to mitigate risk and implement corrective and preventative action plans; Certified inHealthcare Compliance (CHC).